Stock Status: Discontinued

TrafficLite Multipoint Crane Load Limiter

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Nb, This version of Trafficlite is no longer manufactured. This page is provided for support purposes.

If you have recently purchased a Trafficlite IO expansion unit from us, you will find the product manual in the documents section of the Liftlog DX and Maxout DX product pages.

TrafficLite is a device that takes a crane load input (directly from a load cell or via another device) and then activates up to four set point relays depending on the value of that load.

When is a TrafficLite required?

The primary use of TrafficLite is to drive a Green-Amber-Red traffic light display and set of overload contacts. However, it can be used to drive any other four independent set point relays.

  • 4 load limiting outputs.
  • Direct replacement for second ABUS LIS driving traffic light displays.
  • Can be used as a wireless load source for a HiBeam load display.
  • 24-240 VAC Operating voltage range.
  • Wireless configuration via Bluetooth.
  • Compatible with OEM crane control products.
  • Australian designed and manufactured.
  • Australian manufacturer extended hours support available.